A heartbreak - Angus and Julia Stone Traducida al Español

I met your parents
They were lying about falling in love
I met your parents
They were dying but falling in love

Girl, you're just a child: A heartbreak
Girl, you're just a child: A heartbreak

I saw your friends at the drive-in
They were falling in love
I met your friends
They were lying about falling in love

Girl, you're just a child: A heartbreak
Girl, you're just a child: A heartbreak

Girl, you're just a child
Falling in love

Girl, you're just a child: A heartbreak
Conocí a tus padres
estaban mintiendo sobre enamorarse
Conocí a tus padres
estaban muriendo pero enamorándose.

Chica, solo eres una niña: un corazón roto
Chica, solo eres una niña: un corazón roto

Vi a tus amigos en el túnel de pedido,
se estaban enamorando,
Vi a tus amigos en el túnel de pedido,
estaban mintiendo sobre enamorarse.

Chica, solo eres una niña: un corazón roto
Chica, solo eres una niña: un corazón roto

Girl, you're just a child

Girl, you're just a child: A heartbreak

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